1) Pool use is restricted to residents only - no guests are allowed at this time. A maximum of 4 households (meaning all of the residents in a single condo) can be out at the pool at any given time. Those residents when not in the pool will need to be separated. Residents from one unit must stay in their chosen one of the 4 areas of the pool when not physically in the pool. If residents from another unit visit the pool area during the same time frame, they must stay in their chosen area. Please do not move the chairs and chaise lounges around. If you come to the pool and all 4 areas are being used, ask when people are planning on leaving, and then come back at that time.
2) While 4 households can be in the pool area if they maintain the distances listed above, only residents from one household may physically be in the pool at any time.
3) You must wipe down any surfaces you touch in the pool area with disinfectant before using and when you are done using the pool area. This includes any furniture you touch, any pool toys or floats, and any handrails into the pool. If you sit on the steps and touch the tile coping around the pool, please make sure you disinfect this area as well. We’ve been told by experts that the chlorine in the water disinfects the water, so we should be safe in the water. It’s the droplets that come out of your mouth, nose and eyes that can spread the virus if you have it.
4) Because we are limiting access to the pool to 4 households at a time, we ask that you only stay for 1 hour at the pool at a time. If no one else is wanting to come to the pool at the end of your hour, feel free to stay - just be aware and respectful of other residents desire to use the pool as well.